Information about David Coen Fitness

E45 FW42, Nenagh

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David Coen Fitness has not yet filled in its description. Online personal training programs promoting Health & Fitness, Well being and healthy recipes. DC Fitness is here to help whatever your goal.

I believe fitness should be something that is to be enjoyed. I'm here to put my training and education into practice in a simplified, accessible, affordable way and to enhance your fitness levels while achieving your goals.

“I was nervous about the online workouts without the class support. Would I lose interest after a week online and would I notice my progress/fitness improvement over time? David’s constant encouragement and enthusiasm is infectious. He doesn’t set over-ambitious goals. He is so approachable and no question or clarification on a routine was ever a problem.I have gained an excellent level of fitness, core improvement and good over wellbeing both mentally and physically as confirmed to me by my doctor at a recent check up! Through working with david I’ve definitely gained a love for exercise and a great friendship!”


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